On October 20th 1856
John and Mary presented them selves
At the house of the parish priest
And they were married according to the rights of the roman catholic church

Only the placement
of the payment
of wages of labour
Possession of products
Possession of products of your neighbour
It could free the working class
It would free the working class
From exploitation

The joungest son James was born
In june 1863
His first verifiable job
Was in a bakery
It was in Dublin that he met Lilly
His future whife
During an evening trip to Kingstown
She changed his life
But born revolutionaries dedicate themselves twice

Only the placement
of the payment
of wages of labour
Possession of products
Possession of products of your neighbour
It could free the working class
It would free the working class
From explanation

He was the bravest man
I’ve ever known
He gripped the sides of his chair
To steady himself
And held his head up high
Waiting for the blow
Waiting for the blow
Waiting for the blow
He was the bravest man I’ve ever known…

by Hannes, Frida, Paula, 6 Million