Walking is slow
riding a bike is slow
cars are a little faster
but still slow
Airplanes are supposed to be faster
but they aren’t, you know
Let me ride a rocket
chasing through the sky
And it all feels like
I wouldn’t move at all
Since the day
I was at the waterfall
Colourful birds, celebrating spring time
Turtles build a bridge
I’m feeding cornflakes to the fish
And I’m one of them
Blub blub Blub blub
I’m one of them
Blub blub Blub blub
And it all feels like
I wouldn’t move at all
Since the day
I was at the waterfall
And it all feels like
I wouldn’t move at all
Since the day
I was at the waterfall
People, people think I’m crazy
Fish don’t
Birds, turtles, cornflakes, that’s my world
And it all feels right
at the waterfall
Let’s spend the night
at the waterfall
And it all feels like
I wouldn’t move at all
Since the day
I was at the waterfall
The whole world,
everybody cornflakes and the cars
would fall in love forever
…and the colorful airplanes
…and the rockets chasing with the fish
…it’s spring time it’s fish time
…let’s build a turtle bridge
The whole world,
everybody cornflakes and the cars
would fall in love forever
At the waterfall